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BBC Mister Maker Season 3 第三季手工藝啓蒙老師 7DVD20集第3季

BBC Mister Maker Season 3 第三季手工藝啓蒙老師 7DVD20集第3季

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  • 市場價格:TWD1175元
    用戶評價: comment rank 5
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  • 銷量: 3614
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Mister Maker S1 第一季
Mister Maker S2 第二季
Mister Maker S3 第三季(本寶貝屬此季)
Mister Maker Comes To Town S1 第四季
Mister Maker Comes To Town S2 第五季




Mister Maker Comes To Town是Mister Maker第三季以後的壹個全新的系列,由主意多多的Mister Maker 擔任主持,更是集動作、動畫、靈感、創意和突破于壹身,而且更榮獲英國影視界權威The British Academy of Film and Television Arts 的提名,Mister Maker 亦被稱爲4 至8 歲兒童的手工藝啓蒙老師。從遊戲中學習新知識,從多角度激發小朋友的無限創意潛能,是小朋友認識身邊環境的最佳方法!英國首屈壹指的兒童頻道CBeebies,每天提供高質素、互動及娛樂教育並重的節目予幼兒,深受大小朋友歡迎。如果妳的孩子總是閑不住而又最愛手工,壹看到Mister Maker連剪刀膠水都未准備好就躍躍欲試,那麽這套節目就像爲他量身定做的。 奇妙的經典手工制作加以許多全新的創意,妳家的小小手工迷壹定會欲罷不能。


Season 3 Episode 1
The artist demonstrates how to create a fancy dress dog nose using a paper cup, and makes a giant-sized pencil
case. Plus, the Mister Maker Kids work on an enormous chameleon

Season 3 Episode 2
The friends make breakfast out of cotton wool and tissue paper, and turn a plastic spoon into a funny alien.
Plus, creating ferocious plants out of yoghurt containers

Season 3 Episode 3
Creative fun for children, including a fake cake, making ugly rocks and building a street out of old cereal boxes

Season 3 Episode 4
How to make a flying saucer out of paper plates and create a cardboard castle to store things in. Mister Maker
also turns himself into a pirate and the children construct a country cottage

Season 3 Episode 9
The artist demonstrates how to paint a prickly picture, and creates spongy cards. Meanwhile, the Mister Maker
Kids build a circus tent

Season 3 Episode 10
Making a rubber glove hand, using stencils to produce art and quickly creating glittery boxes

Season 3 Episode 11
Creative fun for children, including how to make woolly pictures, using buttons and beads and turning a yoghurt
pot into a puppet

Season 3 Episode 12
Learning how to make a peg bug and a cereal-box suitcase. A group of children also create an enormous crocodile

Season 3 Episode 13
The artist creates a patchwork pattern with leftover wrapping paper, and makes a bug out of a pencil in less than
a minute

Season 3 Episode 14
Building a funky bird nest and crazy wrapping paper pictures

Season 3 Episode 15
Creative fun for children, including making porthole pictures out of paper plates, transforming a plastic lid and
clay into a photo frame, and producing a bookmark in a minute

Season 3 Episode 16
The children create a teddy bear

Season 3 Episode 17
The artist builds a bubble bag in under a minute, and creates a parachute mobile version of himself. Plus, the
Mister Maker Kids draw an enormous picture

Season 3 Episode 18
Transforming tin foil and tissue into funny fridge magnets, making slot aeroplanes in under a minute and printing
a picture with a polystyrene plate. Plus, there is a shape puzzle and the Mister Maker Kids build an unusual ice

Season 3 Episode 20
Making tambourines, snipped pictures and a crazy bird hoop game. Last in the series

