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PBS Sid The Science Kid 西德科學小子 32集 8DVD

PBS Sid The Science Kid 西德科學小子 32集 8DVD

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  • 市場價格:TWD1750元
    用戶評價: comment rank 5
  • 商品總價:
  • 銷量: 3698
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語言:英語 / 無字幕


"Sid the Science Kid", The Jim Henson Company's first series for PBS KIDS that features a practical in-school science curriculum, uses music and humor to celebrate children's natural curiosity about science in everyday life. The energetic and inquisitive Sid starts each episode with a new question ("Why are my shoes shrinking " "Why do bananas get mushy ") and embarks on a fun-filled day of finding answers with the help of family and friends.

“西德科學小子”是Jim Henson公司爲PBS兒童頻道制作的第壹個系列節目,特點是有實際意義的科學課程,用音樂和幽默來激起兒童天生對于生活中方方面面的好奇心。精力充沛和好問的西德,每壹集開始時,都有壹個新問題(“爲什麽我的鞋子縮小了?”“爲什麽香蕉變成糊狀?”),在家長和朋友的幫助下找到答案,壹天充滿著樂趣。

"What's hair for How do birds fly " Thanks to Sid the Science Kid, we'll learn the answers to those and many other burning questions. Like most preschoolers, 5-year-old Sid loves to observe and investigate objects and events that are part of daily life. In doing so, he learns that science is all around us. Sid uses humor to show young children that they can "do" their own science and make new discoveries every day.
