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美國PBS Sid The Science Kid 西德科學小子 32集 8DVD

美國PBS Sid The Science Kid 西德科學小子 32集 8DVD

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美國PBS -- Sid The Science Kid西德科學小子 32集 8DVD

語言:英語 / 無字幕


"Sid the Science Kid", The Jim Henson Company's first series for PBS KIDS that features a practical in-school science curriculum, uses music and humor to celebrate children's natural curiosity about science in everyday life. The energetic and inquisitive Sid starts each episode with a new question ("Why are my shoes shrinking?" "Why do bananas get mushy?") and embarks on a fun-filled day of finding answers with the help of family and friends.

“西德科學小子”是Jim Henson公司爲PBS兒童頻道制作的第壹個系列節目,特點是有實際意義的科學課程,用音樂和幽默來激起兒童天生對于生活中方方面面的好奇心。精力充沛和好問的西德,每壹集開始時,都有壹個新問題(“爲什麽我的鞋子縮小了?”“爲什麽香蕉變成糊狀?”),在家長和朋友的幫助下找到答案,壹天充滿著樂趣。

"What's hair for? How do birds fly?" Thanks to Sid the Science Kid, we'll learn the answers to those and many other burning questions. Like most preschoolers, 5-year-old Sid loves to observe and investigate objects and events that are part of daily life. In doing so, he learns that science is all around us. Sid uses humor to show young children that they can "do" their own science and make new discoveries every day.


Join Sid, his family and his friends as they make science fun! For children 3 to 6 years old.

To encourage children to think, talk and work the way scientists do by building on preschoolers' natural curiosity about the world.


To show that science is all around us, and that we all interact with and are capable of learning about scientific concepts.


To contribute to school readiness by fostering children's intellectual skills, motivation to learn, and confidence in themselves as learners.


To support children's learning by partnering with parents and teachers to create a "climate of curiosity" for children.


Helping Kids Prepare for School,Sid the Science Kid helps prepare children for school by exposing them to science in a comfortable and enjoyable way. Children will discover basic, yet important, concepts such as change and growth. This type of early exposure to science can inspire a lifetime of learning and exploration.

爲了兒童上學做准備,Sid the Science Kid 通過壹個舒這,愉快的方式將科學知識傳授給他們。兒童將會發現基本的但非常重要的概念:改變,成長等等,這將是孩子受益終生。

Sid the Science Kid's the oretical content is based on national science learning standards, cognitive learning theory, and on the preschool science curriculum, Preschool Pathways to Science.

Sid the Science Kid的創作內容是依據國家科學學習標准設計的和學習理,這合學前科學的學習課程,爲學前兒童提供了壹條通向科學之路。


01.The Sticker Chart             
02.The Rolie Polie
03.Enough With the Seashells
04.The Whale
05.My Mushy Banana
06.My Shrinking Shoes
07.My Ice Pops
08.The Perfect Pancake
09.No More Changes!
10.The Itchy Tag
11.Grandma's Glasses
12.A Brush With Teeth
13.I Want Cake
14.The Big Sneeze
15.Must See TV
16.Sid's Health Day
17.The Broken Wheel
18.Sid's Amazing Invention
20.Home Tweet Home
21.The Dirt On Dirt
22.Don't Forget the Leaves
23.Special Sunny Dad Day
24.Sid's Holiday Adventure
25.Sid's Rainy Play Date
26.The Wind Did It
27.Sid The Weatherman
28.Special Mon Day Meal
29.I Have Muscles Where?
30.How Did My Dog Do That
31.Getting A Shot You Can Do It!
32.Now That's Using Your Brain





As the star of our show, Sid does two things that make him the perfect scientist... he observes the world around him, and he asks LOTS of questions. And like a budding comedian, Sid's observations and questions are FUNNY (in a preschool kind of way).



Gabriela doesn't walk into a room, she makes an entrance. With her hand dramatically gesturing into the air, she'll happily announce her arrival, "Gabriela is here!" And don't let the puffy pink tutu she wears over jeans fool you... she's no girlie girl. In fact, she's an athletic, rough and tumble aspiring "rock star scientist" (whatever that is).



When everyone else walks across the room, Gerald pretends to be a bulldozer and "vroom vrooms" somersaulting over the floor. The perfect run-on sentence to describe Gerald would be: "Total instant gratification - boundless boy energy - raises his hand on every question even if he doesn't know the answer - gotta do it right now!"




She's a very sweet, empathetic kid, with a wonderful imagination. This gives her the ability to come up with the alternative, or unexpected answer. When everyone is furiously digging into the sand, getting frustrated that they can't sculpt it into the shape of a horse, it's May who calmly offers, "Try mixing in some water, that might help."



Could she be the best preschool teacher ever? Yes! She makes science FUN! She's warm, and fun, and playful. She's also patient and very smart. Susie is our ultimate source of science knowledge, gives science definitions, explains "the science" of the episode, and helps us perform actual experiments.

她是最佳的幼兒員老師嗎?是的,她讓科學變得生動有趣! 她有愛心,樂趣,活發。她也有耐心,十分機智。蘇茜是我們科學知識的來源,給出科學的定義,講解科學的情節,幫助我們來行實際的實驗。

 媽媽-愛珂 愛麗絲

Mom is witty, busy, runs her own web design company, and is a master multitasker... like a real mom. She is quite adept at doing a work phone call, making Sid's lunch, and cleaning up Zeke's spilt juice all while listening to Sid's questions


 爸爸(愛珂 莫特)

Sid's Dad is patient, warm and always willing to get down and dirty in the mud to look for worms with Sid. Dad is the one who shows us the practical application of science in our homes, our backyards, and in our everyday lives.



Sid's baby brother, this 10-month-old is all about pre-verbal, baby fun. He's loud, he's messy, and he loves to BANG THINGS! In fact, he can turn just about anything into a drum set (a bowl of oatmeal, Mom's purse, Sid's shoe, his spoon).



Like many grandparents of today, Grandma is very involved in her grandson's life. She picks him up from school each day, but much more than that, she has a special, endearing relationship with Sid as well.

