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Preschool Pre新品 Meet the Phonics 學會拼讀套裝3DVD

Preschool Pre新品 Meet the Phonics 學會拼讀套裝3DVD

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  • 市場價格:TWD1250元
    用戶評價: comment rank 5
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  • 銷量: 7118
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"Meet the Phonics" DVDs 學會拼讀3DVDPreschol公司是研究和發展有助于兒童早期教育的産品,壹兩個月的學習和百余小時的調查和發展之後,公司面市了能幫助兒童甚至在他們能說話前掌握字母,數字,形狀,顔色的系列産品。該公司專注于幫助兒童打下學習閱讀能力的紮實基礎。産品提供給兒童壹整套所必需的學習工具。所有的産品通過恰到好處的方式來設計的以便讓嬰幼兒開始學習說話時掌握這些能力。妳會十分驚訝妳的寶貝的學習能力!

1 Meet the Letter Sounds學會字母發音
2 Meet the Digraphs學會連續發音
3 Meet the Blends學會組合發音


You will be amazed at what your little one can learn!™

1 Meet the Letter Sounds 學會字母發音DVD
Children loved learning to recognize letter characters with theMeet the Letters DVD. Now withMeet the Letter Sounds, children will learn the different sounds that letters make. Children will love letter characters both new and old.Meet the Letter Soundsis part of the three partMeet the PhonicsSeries; that teaches Letter Sounds,DigraphsandBlends. You will be amazed at how easily your little one can learn their letter sounds.™ Meet the Letter sounds features many new letter characters and also brings back old favorites fromMeet the Letters.

孩子們在Meet the Letter DVD裏學會並識別了字母,現在有了Meet the Letter Sound學會字母發音,孩子們會學會字母的不同發音,也同樣會喜歡新老兩碟中的字母角色。Meeth the Letter Sounds是Meet the Phonics學會發音系列的第三部分,這個系列教字母的發音,連讀和組合發音。妳十分驚訝于孩子們這麽容易就掌握住這些字母的發音,Meet the Letter sounds中有許多新的字母角色,同時也有Meet the Letters中的孩子們喜歡的老角色。

2 Meet the Digraphs學會連續發音DVD
Children will fall in love with these wonderful characters as theyMeet the Digraphs. Two letters that come together to form a single sound are taught in primary school as "letter digraphs". Meet the Digraphs makes learning to identify digraphs fun and easy.Meet the Digraphsteaches 13 basic digraphs that are taught in schools across the country. Digraphs are taught both alone and in the context of words. You will be amazed at how easily your little one can learn digraphs!

孩子們會非常喜愛這些在Meet the Digraphs中出現的奇妙角色,兩個字母在壹起連讀發壹個音,是在小學中所教的“lettler digraphs” (字母連讀).Meet the Digraphs讓學習和識別連讀變會有趣和簡單。Digraphs教在全美學校中13個基本的連讀發音,連讀以單獨或是在單詞中出現來學習。妳會對小家夥這麽容易地學會組合而感到驚訝。

Featuring:ch, ck, gh, gn, kn, ng, ph, qu, sh, th, wh, wr & tch (trigraph)

3 Meet the Blends學會組合發音DVD
Children will fall in love with these wonderful characters as theyMeet the Blends. Two letters that come together and keep their own sounds are taught in primary school as "letter blends".Meet the Blendsmakes learning to identify blends fun and easy.Meet the Blendsteaches 20 basic blends that are taught in primary schools across the country. Blends are taught both alone and in word context. You will be amazed at how easily your little one can learn blends!

孩子們會非常喜愛這些在Meet the Blends中出現的奇妙角色,兩個字母在壹起,有自己的發音,如同小學裏所教的字母組合。 Meeth the Blesnds讓學習和認識組合變得有趣和容易。Meet the Blends中有教20種基本的,在全美小學中有教的組合。組合以單獨和在單詞中來出現。妳會對小家夥這麽容易地學會組合而感到驚訝。

Featuring:bl, br, cl, cr, dr, fl, fr, gl, gr, pl, pr, sc, sk, sl, sm, sn, sp, st, sw & tr
