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PBSKIDS Dinosaur Train 恐龍火車/恐龍列車 中/英/語 雙/字幕21DVD

PBSKIDS Dinosaur Train 恐龍火車/恐龍列車 中/英/語 雙/字幕21DVD

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  • 市場價格:TWD3900元
    用戶評價: comment rank 5
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  • 銷量: 5356
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 PBSKIDS 美國兒童節目 恐龍火車/恐龍列車 中英文雙語雙字幕20DVD +1DVD  新增4DVD

發  音:中文、英文
字  幕:中文(繁)/英文








DVD02 恐龍火車:北極的禿頂龍
DVD03 恐龍火車: 恐龍的偽裝
DVD04 恐龍火車: 冰冠龍國王
DVD05 恐龍火車:小小音樂家
DVD06 恐龍火車:包頭龍的大尾槌
DVD07 恐龍火車:新鄰居蘭伯龍(中文发音,双字幕)
DVD08 恐龍火車:羽毛之謎
DVD09 恐龍火車:飛翔之王
DVD10 恐龍火車:禽龍伊基
DVD11 恐龍火車:球員甲龍漢克
DVD12 恐龍火車:劍龍不怕熱
DVD13 恐龍火車:神奇記憶
DVD14 恐龍火車:冥河龍山谷
DVD15 恐龍火車:德瑞克的大爪子
DVD16 恐龍火車:環遊世界
 DVD17 恐龍火車:新鄰居蘭伯龍(DVD7的英文版)特别赠送

DVD18 恐龍火車:友善的鯊魚  新增
DVD19 恐龍火車:原顎龜寶琳 新增
DVD20 恐龍火車:慈母龍  新增
DVD21 恐龍火車:海中暴龍  新增



北極的禿頂龍Troodons at the North Pole
Buddy and his family ride the Dinosaur Train to the North Pole – where it’s cooler out and the skies are dark all winter long! The kids get to play in the snow and slide on a frozen pond for the first time. 

冬至派對Cretaceous Conifers
The whole Pteranodon family travels to Troodon Town to help Mom celebrate her favorite holiday, Winter Solstice. They learn about evergreen conifer trees and help decorate them at a holiday party.

挖洞龍The Burrowers
The Pteranodon family rides the Dinosaur Train to meet a family of amazing, burrowing dinosaurs that live in holes and put on an acrobatic show every evening!

珊妮的貝殼Shiny’s Sea Shells
Shiny and her siblings look for the shiniest sea shells she can find, but ends up making a new friend named Henry, a hermit crab who lives in his own shell on the beach at the Big Pond.


老棘龍與海 The Old Spinosaurus & the Sea
Dad takes the kids on the Dinosaur Train to fish in the Big Misty Sea, where they meet a huge dinosaur called the Old Spinosaurus, a grump who doesn’t want the kids in his Sea. Eventually the kids befriend him, and they teach each other their own unique way to catch fish.

劍龍的刺尾巴 A Spiky Tail Tale
Buddy and Tiny help settle an argument between Morris Stegosaurus and Alvin Allosaurus, two very big dinosaurs – one with a very spiky tail, the other with a mouthful of sharp teeth.

夜間火車 Night Train
Dad, Buddy and Tiny take a special spooky “Night Train” ride on the Dinosaur Train at night, learning about nocturnal animals that are active after dark, culminating at the Big Pond for a spooky scavenger hunt under the full moon.

恐龍化石 Fossil Fred
Buddy, Tiny and Don play “detective” and search around the Big Pond for fossils. The kids end up finding an entire skeleton of a Jurassic dinosaur!



