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NICK JR 沃利的單詞魔法 Wallykazam 自然拼讀 8DVD

NICK JR 沃利的單詞魔法 Wallykazam 自然拼讀 8DVD

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字幕:為英文字幕或無字幕 兩種模式, 默認為無字幕,要字幕播放時註意選擇

Watch & Learn
Wallykazam! is Nickelodeon's first literacy show made exclusively for preschoolers that embeds the curriculum into a rich narrative story and also uses interactivity to focus in on the curriculum. 

In Wallykazam! the phonics drive the action and is often the course of the comedy. 

Wallykazam! supports phonics skills including phonological awareness, letter knowledge and letter sound correspondence. 

We introduce new vocabulary, show high frequency words on screen ('sight words'), and model questions that help children understand the story. 

The vocabularly words are often essential to the resolution of the story to help children see the power words hold.
Many of the vocabulary words are "giant words". Children love to learn really big words because it makes them feel big!
The words are repeated in the story multiple times and often times in other stories, too, to boost learning of the word across contexts.

How do we teach literacy?

Blending Moments: With the home viewer's help, Wally reads a magic word by breaking it down into two parts (i.e. "t...op" or "d...ash").

Word Choice Moments: Wally asks the home viewer to help him choose which of the two words fits the magic rule of the day (i.e. "tube or log - which words starts with the /t/ sound?")

Sound Identification Moments: Wally asks the home viewer to help him determine if a word fits the day's phoneme (i.e. "Does 'tuba' start with the /t/ sound?")

Letter Identification Moments: Wally asks the home viewer to help him determine a word that fits the day's letter. (i.e. "Does 'fly' start with 'f'?")

Comprehension Interactions: Moments where Wally asks the home viewer to help him figure out what's going on. For example, he might not be able to see something in the distance ("What is that?") or he may have missed an important plot point ("Where did Norville go?").

Inclusive Moments: Fun asides where Wally checks in with the home viewer. He may invite them along on an adventure, give them an interesting fact about his world, or just share a laugh.

Vocabulary words: Each episode incorporates up to 2 vocabulary words. Wally and other characters use vocabulary words multiple times throughout an episode to drive home comprehension.

Sight Words: Simple, non-magic words that are printed on cards, signs, shirts, etc. Sight words can be part of phrases used onscreen, such as "I love cake". Wally and other characters read the words to the camera, pointing to each word as spoken.


   動畫片“沃利的單詞魔法 Wallykazam”是美國尼克制作的第壹部以識字和閱讀教育為目標的交互式學齡前動畫。作為美國的第壹大兒童娛樂品牌,雖然出品過《愛探險的朵拉》、《妳好凱蘭》等眾多耳熟能詳的動畫系列,但是以閱讀識字和自然拼讀為主題的動畫片,他們還是首次嘗試。創作者Adam Peltzman是艾美獎得主,此前曾創作過《花園小子 》和《泡泡孔雀魚》等口碑極佳的作品;他說“《沃利的單詞魔法》圍繞小巨魔Wally和他的寵物龍Norville的壹系列奇妙故事展開;為兒童的閱讀和識字教育提供了壹種新的思路和方法,將諸多相關聯的單詞完美融入到故事情節中,讓孩子們樂在其中回味無窮”。






01 Naptime for Borgelorp
02 Castle Caper
03 The Rock Can Talk
04 How to Bathe Your Dragon
05 Dragon Hiccups
06 Picnic Impossible
07 Totally Swamped
08 Day in the Dark
09 The Great Wishing Potato
10 Running Rita
11 The Cake Monster
12 Great Galloping Goblins
13 Victor the Villain
14 Snow Place Like Home
15 The Switching Stone




20 Mustache Day

21 Wally Saves the Trollidays

22-23 The Big Goblin Problem

24 Hopgoblin

25 The Explorers Club

26 Mission for Mom

